Zivot veci: Idea zatisi ve fotografii 1840-1985 / The Life of Things: The Idea of Still Life in Photography 1840-1985
書名表記 | Zivot veci: Idea zatisi ve fotografii 1840-1985 / The Life of Things: The Idea of Still Life in Photography 1840-1985 |
著者 | Dorothea Ritter |
コントリビューター | Dorothea Ritter, Dietmar Siegert, Zdenek Primus - 編集 |
出版社 | Kant |
版 | 2006年 |
商品ID | 180906017 |
状態表記 | 小口焼け有 |
在庫切れ |
Zivot veci: Idea zatisi ve fotografii 1840-1985 / The Life of Things: The Idea of Still Life in Photography 1840-1985、
買取致しますZivot veci: Idea zatisi ve fotografii 1840-1985 / The Life of Things: The Idea of Still Life in Photography 1840-1985、
探求書登録するチェコでの展覧会図録。ドイツの写真収集家 Dietmar Siegert Collection から、静物写真をテーマに時系列に作品を収録したものです。写真黎明期からバウハウスやシュールレアリスムなどチェコのアヴァンギャルド写真の潮流にも触れながら構成された図録で作品リストには各参考文献、別に静物写真についての参考文献も掲載。
サイズ | 230mm(ヨコ) |
重量 | 900g |
仕様 | ハードカバー 217ページ本編 チェコ語英語併記 |
Last modified: 2024/12/08 |
Table of contents
CHAPTER ONE-Between academic tradition and experimentation: Photography and still life in the 19th century
- The birth of a new motif tradition
- Arrangements and archaeological finds: inventoried and on exhibit
- The classical sub-genres: Flower, fruit, vegetable and hunting still life
- Mute genre images or talking still lifes?
- Exploring natural objects with new instruments
CHAPTER TWO-Of unfamiliar, all too familiar things: The metamorphosis of Still Life Photography in the 20th century
- Reflections and transformations
- The life of objects as conflicting documents of the private and social milieu
- The world of objects in the photography of the Bauhaus and the New Vision
- "Classical" still life themes in the photography of the 1930s: Appropriation and rejection
- The independent life of things: Still life within Surrealist photography
- Reflections on still life trends in Czech photography
- End and beginning
- List of illustrations
- Bibliography