Joseph Beuys (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 1979 exhibition 図録), Tisdall
書名表記 | Joseph Beuys |
著者 | Caroline Tisdall |
出版社 | Thames and Hudson |
版 | 1979年 |
商品ID | 220314010 |
本品の状態 | 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 |
状態表記 | 小口からページ隅に少し目立つ焼け有 |
在庫切れ |
ヨーゼフ・ボイスの名を広める契機となった1979年グッゲンハイム美術館での展覧会に際して発行、英版。Thinking forms, spoken forms, social sculpture 絶えず変容する作品など、ボイスの創作活動を24のステージで個々のパフォーマンス、彫刻ら作品を例に著者が解説しています。
サイズ | 220mm(ヨコ) |
重量 | 1300g |
構成 | カバー |
ページ数 | 288ページ |
仕様 | 英語 |
綴じ | ハードカバー |
Last modified: 2025/01/21 |
Table of contents
- Introduction by Joseph Beuys
- Introduction by Caroline Tisdall
- Life Course/Work Course
- STATION 1 Bathtub, 1960
- STATION 2 Pt Co Fe, 1948–72 Double Fond, 1954 Fond 0 + iron plate, 1957
- STATION 3 Grauballe Man, 1952
- STATION 5 Virgin, 1961
- STATION 6 Pythia Sibylla, 1959 Horns, 1960
- STATION 7 Val, 1961 Mountain king, 1961 Back support for a fine-limbed person (hare-type) of the 20th century AD, 1972
- STATION 8 Rubberized box, 1957 Fat chair, 1964
- STATION 9 Snowfall, 1965
- STATION 10 Spade with two handles, 1965
- STATION 11 Iron chest from the action Vacuum-Mass, 1968
- STATION 12 Felt objects, 1964–67
- STATION 13 Fond II, 1968
- STATION 14 Lavender filter, 1965
- STATION 15 Warmth sculpture, 1968
- STATION 16 Site, 1967 Fond III/3, 1979
- STATION 17 Fond IV/4/IV, 1979
- STATION 18 Infiltration-homogen for grand piano, 1966
- STATION 19 The Pack, 1969
- STATION 20 Fat up to this level I, II, 1971
- STATION 21 Hearth II, 1978
- STATION 22 Tram stop, 1976
- STATION 23 Tallow, 1977
- STATION 24 Honey pump, 1977
- Permanent conference
- Appeal by Joseph Beuys
- Author's acknowledgments
- Selected bibliography
- Index